Who are we?
The Medic Collective is a free widening-access website that helps aspiring medical students navigate through their applications. Run by Cambridge Medical Students, our primary goal is to collate all the useful and crucial, free, resources for medical school applications into one place; to save you the time and effort in finding it yourself.
Alongside this, we noticed that there are an abundance of opportunities to get more involved in medicine at school, and make your CVs more competitive, but that not enough people are aware of them. So, we want to give you a helping hand and bring these resources directly to you. This will make it easy to indulge in your interests and make your application stand out, to give you the best possible chances when it comes to the interview.
So, what can you find on the website?
How to organise Work experience and where to find volunteering opportunities
Personal statement resources (and check out WPMN’s bank!)
Links to UCAT/ BMAT free question banks
Interview preparation
Oxbridge advice and preparation
Wider reading resources – book suggestions, websites, podcasts, suggested YouTube channels, lecture courses, and much more
A huge bank of essay competitions
Loads of free mentoring schemes – sign up for these!!
Many scholarships and bursaries for widening access groups
Our own article competitions and medicine blog
Don’t want to miss out on these opportunities? Follow us at: https://themediccollective.wordpress.com/
“Applying to medical school is tough. There are tonnes of resources out there helping you through the process, but the sheer volume can be overwhelming and complicated. Plus, a lot of these are expensive. Luckily, there are some incredible free resources, but they are difficult to find when mixed in with the thousands of pricey courses and books. For this free content that is available, it’s complicated to know where to start and what to read, and this alone can end up taking hours and can unsurprisingly put you off applying.
We think that no one should be disadvantaged because of a price tag, so here at The Medic Collective we decided to fix this. We collected the masses of fantastic free resources that are indispensable for applications and have brought them directly to you. By collating only free resources, applying to medical school is no longer a matter of money. We aim to ensure that absolutely anyone has the confidence and time to apply to medicine, no matter the background, and to cultivate curiosity and inspiration in the subject that we find fascinating. And best of all, it is completely free!” – Emma, founder of The Medic Collective, 2020