Lets take a step back to look at the achievements of our volunteers in the widening participation sphere...
"I found that there were certain specialties that I was really interested in experiencing but never had the opportunity to see during medical school. Because of this, I approached WPMN with the idea to set up a lecture series to amend this. With the incredible help of Vikesh and Maria from the events team, we managed to set up a specialty spotlight series together called WPMN Presents."

"As a member of the National Taskforce, I have had the chance to discuss ideas and put these ideas into practice, launching two surveys concerning current WP med students and presenting posters of their results at conferences - one of which was 'highly commended' at the TASME 2021 spring conference and the other which is ongoing (but whose interim results you can see here). Writing abstracts and making research posters was not something I thought I would have experience in at this point in my career and I am very grateful to WPMN members for this."
"As we all know, the social events at university are a large aspect of the medical school experience. However, for a lot of students, the expensive costs of balls and events can prohibit them from joining in. This year I managed to receive funding to implement a Bursary for students who can’t afford to attend large Medsoc events, in order to subsidise their ticket. So far we have provided bursaries to just under 50 students who wouldn’t have been able to attend without it!"

"Having completed medical school and the early stages of training as a doctor, I noticed the lack of support and guidance offered for students and trainees climbing the career ladder, especially for individuals lacking a personal network to guide them through the process. As Communications Officer for WPMN, I established the well-received Buddy Scheme to help tackle this problem. The scheme offers mentorship and support between doctors and student members of the WPMN community, aiming to build companionship and networking within WPMN whilst fostering professional development among our aspiring members!"
"After several sessions of brainstorming how we could address inequalities and improve inclusivity within our specialties, Anu, Hannah and I co-founded RadReach - a Royal College of Radiologists and WPMN collaboration. We now have 12 matched pairs of final year medical students/foundation doctors (from WP backgrounds) with radiology & oncology registrars/consultants and we have started running workshops. Our work has been recognised at the Levelling the Field Conference 2021 where we won best oral presentation!"